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The Spanish Bull Breeder

The Spanish man wasn’t mean. He was very kind to the bulls that lived on his farm. And they were happy. But all the bulls on his farm were being prepared to eventually go to the bullfighting ring – to an arena where they would have to face matadors.  

I never understood how the man could be so kind but at the same time take the bulls he’d reared, to a place where they would have a such a horrible time and end. I saw what happened to the bulls in the bull ring – it was one of the most frightening things I’ve ever seen. One of the terrifying things about it was the way that the people in the audience clapped and cheered every time a bull was hurt. 

What did the man who had cared for the bulls this of this? They were his bulls – he sold them to the bullfight ring. What did he think of what happened to them in the end? 

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