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Over time, this is just going to be a place where you can find all sorts of interesting things – for example…

Here is the world-famous MORSIFIER built by Albi himself (with a bit of help from Steve)… just type some text in the box and it will magically transform to Morse Code before your very eyes. Then press play to hear what it sounds like…

And here is a moth that will slide around when you click it 🙂

Did you know all the illustrations inside the book and on this website were done by a wonderful person called Angela Cogo. You can see more of her work on Instagram – @angela.cogo.illustration

Here is another interesting thing. Last summer a very nice person called Fritha had some happy ducklings living in a greenhouse in Sligo, in Ireland. In this film you will see that her dog, Raj is very happy as he dozes near them. You will see they walk around his nose and one even pecks at his fur. If he has learnt not to bother the ducklings then humans can learn to be kinder to all animals too.


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